How-to Tuesday: A DIY Dr. Seuss Diaper Cake for Baby Showers
Oh the places you’ll go with this very simple, stunning baby shower decoration. If your favorite parents-to-be are throwing a bookish baby shower, this diaper cake will add a magical touch to the event. This project is completely customizable; you can design it after a certain Seuss book (we chose The Lorax) or swap the colors for a general red, white, and blue The Cat in the Hat motif. The part your parent-to-be will appreciate the most? The fact that no diapers were harmed in the making of this cake and they can break it down to use to diapers as they need them!
For the Cake:
1 cardboard cake round, 9 inches
1 paper towel roll
Hot glue gun and hot glue
56 diapers
1 package miniature rubber bands
6 colorful flowers
4 spools of ribbon, various colors and patterns
1 spool of string
1. Take a diaper and tightly roll it into a log shape.
2. Secure with a rubber band.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all the diapers.
4. Using the heated hot glue gun, secure the paper towel roll to the 9 inch cake round. Allow to dry.
5. Line 6 diapers around the paper towel roll and tie with the string.
6. Remove the rubber bands.
7. Create surrounding later, and secure with string , and removed the rubber bands.
8. Repeat the process until the diapers fill out to the edge of the cake round.
9. On top of that first layer, surround the paper towel roll with six of the diapers, and secure with string. Build around it, leaving an empty row to create a layers effect.
10. Top with the remains diapers, secure with string and remove the rubber bands,
11.Take the main spool of ribbon and wrap it around the three outer securing strings. Cut the ribbon and secure with a dab of hot glue.
12. Take a different piece of ribbon for each “cake” layer and wrap it on top of the main decorative ribbon. Cut the ribbon and secure with a dab of hot glue.
13. Take the six lowers and feed the stems through the hole in the top to make a “cake” topper.
For the Accessories:
6 paper straws
6 cotton pom poms
3 wooden embellishment signs
A sharpie
Acrylic paint and paint brush
Hot glue gun and hot glue
Dr. Seuss finger puppets
1. Taking the miniature wooden signs, paint a thin layer of acrylic paint around the perimeter, set aside and allow to dry.
2. Take the paper straw and place a dab of hot glue on the top of them.
3. Take a cotton pom pom and press down on top of the glue to secure it. Place into the diaper cake.
4. When the signs are dry, use the Sharpie to write your small Dr. Seuss quotes.
5. Stick the signs into the cake and wrap the puppet's arm around the sign. Voilà!

Lauren Gordon
Lauren Gordon, a Philadelphia native, graduated from Temple University’s School of Communications and Theater in 2010 with a focus in Magazine Journalism. Immediately after graduation, Lauren became the Assistant Editor of Philadelphia RowHome Magazine and since has gone on to be the Senior Editor, Entertain and holidays at The Daily Meal. Lauren is a voracious bookworm with a special talent for useless crafts. She also loves to bake and cook, and to write about all of it.