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What Weird Hobbies Would These Literary Sisters Have Picked Up in Quarantine?

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

Lockdown has turned us all inward, seeking new things to pass the time and getting to know our family better. Sometimes this awakens new talents and unforeseen depths of caring in loved ones. Or it leads to yet another reason to tear out your own hair and Google “how to divorce siblings.” But how might some of literatures’ most beloved sisters handle staying at home for months during a pandemic?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

New Terms for the Modern Book Lover

Some situations are so specific, we invent new terms to properly communicate them with others. Take “gaslighting," for example. Ten years ago, we might have struggled to describe the type of person that psychologically manipulates someone into questioning their own sanity. Now, we just say, “That person is a gaslighter, and we should take them off our Christmas card list.” There. Easy peasy. 

Similarly specific situations are all around us, and book lovers suffer as much as the next. So, we’ve taken a stab at coining a few terms that might help you better communicate in the future.  

Posted by J. B. Kish

White Elephant Gifts Worthy of Stealing (Under $15!)

These gifts are sure to be conversation starters! Be the star of your next White Elephant party with these books.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Innocent Childhood Games That Would Make Excellent Horror Movies

We're sure everybody has had an occurrence that could equate to a horror movie where they, of course, would play the lead. Whether it’s a creepy neighbor who watches you come home from work each night, or the eerily quiet co-worker who constantly peers over their cubicle at you—there’s a little Stephen King in all of us to knock out the next best-selling thriller. However, there’s something scarier lurking in your children’s toy chest—board games that could double as horror movies. Get ready to look at your favorite childhood board games in a different light.

Posted by Jill Effron

The Rock: Fill in the Blank

The big day is finally here! You, yes YOU, managed to score an invite to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s birthday party. You’ve never been one for contests but when you saw The Rock posting about this one you just HAD to enter. And good thing you did! You’ve now got one invitation to his big blowout birthday bash. Advertised guests include ________ [ACTOR], ________ [MUSICIAN], and ________ [PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER] and there are sure to be plenty more!

Posted by Tres Dean

Shakespearean Memes

To celebrate Shakespeare's birthday, deathday, and the release of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Mean Girls and Get Thee Back to the Future, author Ian Doescher Shakespeare-ized these memes. Want to share? Right click to save!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff