Bubble Baths: Up Your Geekiness in the Tub
[Movie still from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros.]
Rub a dub dub, a geek in a tub! Who doesn’t love a good long soak in a nice warm bath? It’s time to sit back and let the nerdiness sink in with these bath goodies!
Bath bombs are all the rage these days. They smell good and they give your bath a little extra pop! Over on Etsy, Loreworks has created this yummy sounding waffle bomb, inspired by Stranger Things. Harness the power of Eleven in your next soak!
We know that the Harry Potter sorting hat bath bombs are the talk of the town right now. However, this Butterbeer bath bomb by BabyCorn looks divine! Feel like you’re in Hogsmeade with your fellow HP friends.
Of course, if you want something a little more time-wimey, might we suggest this Tardis bath bomb? Etsy shop, FrakkingBombs creates these handmade Doctor Who inspired blue boxes. They may not whisk you to another dimension, but you won’t have to call a doctor, either.
Speaking of space, this next bath bomb is brought to you by the king of clean, Lush. This little blue rocket will have your tub smelling like the stars. The next time you need to relax will be easy as blast off!
Now that you’ve had a good soak, don’t forge to exfoliate! Try these Attack on Titan facemasks to wear as you lounge in your bath. Warning: you might turn into a giant man-eating monster! JK, your face will just be extra smooth and refreshed.

Sandra Woolf
Sandra Woolf lives in the PNW where she haunts bookshops and library sales. Freelancer by day, horror movie lover by night. Writing inquires can go to what lovely books at gmail or just to ask her how her hairy is so bouncy.