Which Quirk Book Should You Read Based on Your Favorite Macaron Flavor?
Before The Great British Bake Off, I don’t know that I’d ever even heard of a macaron before, but now that I’ve had one, I can never go back. Luckily, there’s an amazing café right around the corner from the Quirk office that makes some of the best macarons in Philadelphia.
But with so many flavors out there, it can be hard to pick just one. It’s like trying to choose which book to read next! There are just too. many. good. choices.
Now, we can’t help with your macaron choices, but luckily, we can help you pick a new book. Just pick a macaron flavor below and we’ll tell you which Quirk book to read next.
Salted Caramel
Salted pretzels may reign supreme in Philadelphia, but we’ll forgive you for going for a sweet and salty salted caramel macaron instead. You know who else could be described as sweet and salty? Jessica Stone, lead actress in Starfield…or are we talking about fangirl Imogen? Hard to say, since both Jess and Imogen look alike in Ashley Poston’s Prince and the Pauper retelling, The Princess and the Fangirl.
Dark Chocolate
You like your desserts like your coffee and your books…dark dark dark. And it doesn’t get much darker than selling your soul to make it in the music biz. We don’t recommend actually selling your soul (except maybe for books), but we do recommend pairing your dark chocolate macarons with We Sold Our Souls by horror master Grady Hendrix. They make a devilishly good combination.
Lemon Lavender
Sweet and tart, just like everyone’s favorite Sweet Valley High twins. Make sure your food is color coordinated with your gel pens, slap bracelets, and a copy of Paperback Crush by Gabrielle Moss.
Cookies and Cream
Ah, cookies and cream. A classic pairing. Iconic even. Just like that famous investigative duo we’re fans of. No, we’re not talking Holmes & Watson… we’ve got a different pair of detectives in mind: Obama and Biden. So, hop on the train and enjoy your macaron with a copy of Hope Never Dies by Andrew Shaffer.
Red Velvet
Decadent and luxurious. Red velvet macarons let you indulge in the best of both worlds. Basically, you can have your cake and eat macarons too. Why should you have to choose just one? While you’re at it, we also recommend indulging in a romance novel that lets you pick all the suitors: My Lady’s Choosing.
Not happy with your answer? Don’t worry, you can always go back for seconds.

Kelsey Hoffman
After falling in love with the UK, Kelsey moved to Oxford in pursuit of her Master’s in Publishing. Two years, one degree, and countless pubs later, she returned to New Jersey and landed her first publishing job in New York, before eventually making her way to Quirk Books. When not talking about books, Kelsey enjoys traveling, watching various sci-fi shows, and snapping photos for her Instagram (@tehkelsey). E-mail Kelsey ([email protected]) if you want to review our titles or feature our authors.