What Better Place to Read about Ghosts than These Haunted Libraries?
[Photo by Yana Kowalewicz on Unsplash]
It's finally here! We're so excited for the release of Marc Hartzman's new book, Chasing Ghosts, on sale September 28, 2021, and can't wait for readers to dive into this beautiful exploration of our country's long and obsessive history with phantoms and apparitions. Whether you prefer e-book or paperback, there are plenty of ways for you to get a copy. But if you plan on grabbing one at your local bookstore or library, then you better make sure it's not one of these haunted locations. Otherwise, you might just become the subject of Hartzman's next book…
[Cropped version of photo from greeblie on Flickr, "The Shelves," CC Attribution 2.0 Generic]
Library, Evansville, Indiana
If your local library has a webpage dedicated to its haunted history, then you know it's the real deal. Such is the case with Willard Library in Evansville, Indiana. According to their site, the library is haunted by a ghost called The Grey Lady. Reports of the Grey Lady span nearly a decade and have drawn the attention of ghost hunters, psychics, and lovers of the paranormal. There are even live webcams available for those brave enough to look for the Grey Lady online.
[Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash]
Moravian Book Shop, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Founded in 1745, The Moravian Book Shop is said to be the oldest bookstore in America. Naturally, it's seen its fair share of customers, both alive and dead. Among the ghosts spotted in the store are a "mischievous" woman in white and a shadowy figure that is often seen hanging around the kitchen.
[Photo by Surely Shirly on Flickr, Public Domain]
Houston Public Library, Houston, Texas
Unlike other apparitions in this list, the resident ghost of Houston’s Public Library sounds rather pleasant. People claim they have heard violin music played by an unseen figure in the Julia Ideson Building. Interestingly, the building’s former caretaker, Jacob Frank Cramer, was an avid violinist and often practiced in the library when alone.
[Photo by Wendy Scofield on Unsplash]
Sweetwater County Library, Green River, Wyoming
If horror movies have taught us anything, it's that you don't build something on top of an old cemetery. It seems the developers of Sweetwater County Library never saw those movies. Reportedly built atop the town's first cemetery, the library has experienced several unexplained phenomena over the years. Just last year, it attracted a group of paranormal investigators who published their findings online. Audio of a purported ghost speaking can be heard here.
[Photo by Oleg Solodkov on Unsplash]
Parmly Billings Library, Billings Montana
According to hauntedhouses.com, the original Parmly Billings library was haunted by as many as eight different ghosts. However, in 2013, the library was torn down and replaced by a newer building (now called the Billings Public Library). Some internet commenters claim the new building is just as haunted; however, no official reports by investigators can be found. This is one you'll just have to judge for yourself.
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J. B. Kish
J. B. Kish grew up in the American Southwest and spent most of his childhood concocting strange stories with spooky monsters. Now, he lives in the Pacific Northwest and has begun publishing those childhood nightmares for others. He is the author of two novels, including the paranormal thriller A Wall for Teeth and Stingers, which takes place in both Arizona and Oregon. He has the same birthday as Captain Kathryn Janeway, which is a thing he takes very seriously. Probably too seriously.