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Museums with Literary Exhibits for International Museum Day

[Photo by riciardus from Pexels]

We don’t know about you, but one of the things we miss the most about pre-pandemic life is the joy and wonder of a really excellent museum exhibit. But until it’s safe to get up close and personal with the art, we’re daydreaming about the literary exhibits we want to visit – and doing some virtual museum hopping as we explore their digital collections. It’s International Museum Day, so here we go!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Middle Grade Series for a Virtual Vacation

[Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash]

Things should be looking up the further we traverse into 2021 and although select locations are opening up to visitors, many factors like historical site visitation hours and international travel are limited and make for a poor vacation season. This can be hard on any age group but especially for younger children who are experiencing what can only be described as a unique school year.

Now’s a good time to remind young readers that though physical travel may not be an option, one of the best ways to vicariously experience another place, culture, time, or experience is through books, and these select series are great ways for young readers to vacation to another space, even if it’s only virtually.

Posted by Gabrielle Bujak

Difficulty Ratings of Trails in Literature

It’s summer and all we want to do is be outdoors as much as possible. But how can we bring our literary love to the great outdoors? By reading about hiking trails and assigning difficulty ratings to each book’s emotional journey — as we embark on our own trails! — of course. So put on some sunscreen, lace up your boots, and get those summer hiking plans going.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Fictional Airbnb’s for the Perfect Vacation

We all need to get away sometimes. Pack an overnight bag and leave town for little R&R. But what if you could book a vacation at your dream Airbnb, real or fictional? We made a few literary listings we’d love to see available.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

A Literary Tour of Atlanta

Photo by Nate Hovee from Pexels

The Big Game is in Atlanta today! And rather than bite our nails down to the quick worrying if our team is going home with a win, we’re daydreaming about a literary tour of The ATL. Because let’s face it: we’ll be reading during all those commercial breaks anyway. Might as well stay on theme.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Scenic Hikes Inspired by Books

Image by Pexels from Pixabay;

National Take a Hike Day is this weekend and despite snow and near-freezing temperatures across the country, we’re going to do everything in our power to get out and hike this weekend. To make this late-season hike more appealing, we’ve gathered some of our favorite books about the great outdoors – pairing them with the hikes that inspired their authors.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman