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Harry Potter Literary Roundup

Just when you thought the magic was over, it revs right back up. Hold on to your hats, muggles. In honor of the new script, we've rounded up some bookish gear and accessories perfect for writers and readers who love the series. 

Posted by Rose Moore

10 Must-Have Things For National Grammar Day

In honor of March 4th being National Grammar Day we thought we’d celebrate with a round-up of products that show we’re not the only lovers of a well dotted i, crossed t's, and the use of the Oxford comma. 

Posted by Jamie Canaves

13 Writing Truths from Neil Gaiman on His Birthday

(Photo credit from @neilhimself)

Neil Gaiman has always given the world much to think about: Do dogs understand when we’re trying to write and decide to impede us anyway? Is it all right to go next door for a pad of paper and a writing utensil upon being locked out? Armageddon…or tea? These are the important questions.

Though he’s surely the next Nostradamus, Gaiman is probably better known as a writer than as a Doomsday-Darjeeling soothsayer. To celebrate this sir on his birthday, and in light of NaNoWriMo, we scoured Gaiman’s tweet backlog for ages (and by ages we mean hours looking through Twitter’s advanced search function) finding the best tidbits on writing that this jovial tea-sipping nerd king has to offer.

Posted by Alex Grover

Quirk’s #NaNoWriMo Word Count Chart




Tic-tac-toe. It’s a familiar game, and we all know the players: the X, the O, locked in an inevitable struggle for control of a 3 x 3 grid. But what’s at the route of their seemingly endless conflict? Is it a friendly rivalry, a long-term grudge, a bitter enmity…or something more complicated?

For the creation of Tic-Tac-Tome, the first-ever book that can play a game of tic-tac-toe, the two adversaries came together for their first major project since the revival of Hollywood Squares. This seemed like an ideal time to try and square their differences.

But even though these two characters sometimes stand in for hugs and kisses, their feelings about each other don’t by any means fit into neat little boxes.

Posted by Rick Chillot

Eat More Books, Episode 17: Valentine


Posted by Rick Chillot