How-To Tuesday: Start Stacking Your Books and Make Spine Poetry!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Writing poetry isn't really a talent of mine—unless you count humorous/sarcastic haikus and "Roses Are Red" variants—but I do randomly stack books to create sentences and mini-mini short stories. Then I discovered that this a Thing: spine poetry! Naturally, I got sucked into the Internet and bounced from Pinterest to Tumblr to blog posts filled with books stacked and photographed to create a poem. 

So for no reason at all and with no prize promised, I challenged myself to see how many sentences I could create with the books in my office. My self-imposed rules were no title repetition and only using print books on my shelves. Here's what I came up with.

Deep in the shade of paradise, when you are engulfed in flames, this book will save your life.

Naked by the window, my boyfriend wrote a book about me: The Bedwetter.

The nanny just can’t get enough queen crab.

Under the Tuscan sun, the three Miss Margarets, sleepwalk with me naked.

Lolita, a good man is hard to find.           

Our husband, Jack; a hopeless romantic.              

What the lady wants: Kat’s cradle, dragon bones, the guy not taken.   

Talking to Addison, the girl who played with fire—I hope they serve beer in hell!

This could have gone on forever had I used eBooks on my Kindle and didn’t have a to-do list screaming at me.

Now it’s your turn! Create sentences or mini-mini stories using book titles and post in the comments section. Have fun!