Our Favorite Book Titles Re-imagined With Beer

Posted by Rose Moore

Next weekend, unwind with a nice cold pint and your favorite book in hand. (Extra points if you start off the last summer month with a particularly hoppy flavor.) But what if your favorite beers weren’t just an accompaniment to your favorite books, but actually a key part of them? We’ve re-imagined some of the most famous books of the past few decades with some delicious barley beverages front and center so that you can really get into the spirit of books and beer this weekend.


Harry Potter And The Search For The Perfect Pint

Harry Potter’s life changed the day an owl arrived for him on his eighteenth birthday with a mysterious letter from Hogwart’s School Of Brewcraft And Wizardry. Now he’s gone from spending his days dodging the Dursleys to learning about beer and magic, and making new friends along the way. But there’s a threat to this world looming in the form of the Dark And Sober Lord, and now Harry and his friends are going to have to go on an adventure through all the pubs of the land to find the only thing that can stop him: the perfect pint of Butterbeer!


The Golden Cream Ale

Lyra spends her days racing through the streets of Oxford, in a world where parts of the soul live outside the body, and where the children of the Guild of Brewmasters have mysteriously started to go missing! When Lyra’s best friend Roger is taken, she sets out on a journey to try and save him — and she’ll be exploring the people of the frozen North with only her wits and a magical bottle of the legendary Cream Ale that gives the drinker the ability to see beyond what surrounds them.


The Girl With The Guinness Tattoo

A story of intrigue and corruption, centered on the mysterious disappearance of Harriet Vaddock, the scion of one of the wealthiest families in Ireland…whose money comes from the Irish brewing industry. Still determined to find out what happened to her decades later, her uncle hires a journalist who is helped by a hardbitten punk hacker, with a distinctive tattoo of a perfectly pulled pint. Their simple cold case turns into so much more as the two start to discover the corruption that permeates every level of the brewing industry.


Ready Drinker One

It’s the year 2045, and Wade Watts is devoted to the digital world of pub trivia, where he descends into the virtual game "pubs" to play the game that consumes him—and that could lift him out of poverty if he can find every trivia Easter Egg and solve the greatest pub quiz of all. If he can, he’ll inherit the fortune of the game creator, but he’s not the only one looking to solve the puzzle.


Half Of A Yellow Drink

In 1960s Nigeria, three lives intertwine over a shared drink. Olanna has left her wealthy life to live with the man she loves, in a home where she meets a young boy from a poor village who works as their houseboy. Together with the English writer who is in love with Olanna’s twin, these three will find common ground over a glass of beer, even as their lives are being forever changed by the outbreak of war.