Happy Pi Day: Make a Venn Pie-agram!
In honor of Pi Day tomorrow, learn how you can make The Venn Pie-agram!
This year will be the most authentic Pi Day you’ve ever experienced, since the date is 3-14-15—as close as we can get to 3.1415 in our lifetime! So how do you make this nerdiest of all pies? Let’s get started.
You Will Need**:
- Two foil pie tins
- Enough pie dough for two 9-inch pie crusts: I’m an overachiever so I made my own, but store-bought pie crust would work very well for this project.
- Three pie fillings of your choice (pick your favorite recipes)
- Scissors
- Rolling Pin
**Note: You’ll only use about half the pie filling for each of the three, if you make a standard recipe. When I made this, I made double the pie crust and just made two Venn Pie-agrams, so I could use up all the pie filling. It’s very little additional effort for twice the pie!
Prepare the Vessel!
Your first step will be to create a Venn diagram with your pie tins. Take one of the tins and make a cut with your scissors, about one-third of the way along the bottom rim. At either end of this semicircle, cut up the side of the foil tin (but not all the way through, leave the top lip intact). Then you can finagle the cut pie tin onto the whole one, to create the Venn diagram shape.
Bottom Crust
Roll out enough pie dough for one normal-sized pie crust, nice and thin. Drape this over one side of the Venn diagram and most of the middle. Mold it to fit. IMPORTANT: be very careful to fill in all the crevices of the shape with pie crust. If there are any cracks, your pie filling could leak out and make a big ol’ mess.
Roll out the remaining pie dough and separate in half. One half should be enough to cover the rest of the Venn diagram shape. Mold to fit.
Fill those pies up! Pour one pie filling into each of the three pie shells. There’s really no secret to this, just pop ‘em on into the crust.
Top Crust
I chose to play up the Venn diagram aspect by using a top crust on one half of the diagram, no crust on the far side, and a lattice crust in the middle. This is up to you—no one will say it’s not a Venn Pie-agram if you don’t get creative with the crust.
Finishing Touches
To make it pretty, press a fork into the top lip of the bottom crust, all the way around the edge of the pie to make a pretty pattern. Once you’re satisfied with your beautiful artistry, pop that mathematical dessert in the oven!
If you make your own Venn Pie-agram, be sure to share a picture with Quirk Books online!

Suzanne Wallace
Suzanne is cursed with the ability to spell almost any word. When she’s not churning out press releases, Suzanne enjoys fairy tales, Welsh Corgis, and baking pastries at 3AM. She has spent her entire life searching for an entrance to Narnia. If you've seen any mysterious wardrobes, please let her know. You can email her at [email protected].