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Ode to Margaret Atwood

[TV still for The Handmaid's Tale, Hulu]

Oh, Margaret Atwood, what would we do without you? Your books, poetry, and very words have inspired us. And with The Handmaid's Tale now on Hulu, there's no better time to honor your stellar work. 

Posted by Sandra Woolf

The Consequences of Time Travelers Who Meet Their Ancestors

[TV still from Doctor Who, BBC]

Time travel can be a tricky thing. One must avoid paradoxes, black holes, and alternate dimensions. But most importantly you must be careful when meeting your own ancestor. Here are a few fictional characters who learned that very lesson.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Geeky Beauty and the Beast

[Movie still from Beauty and the Beast (2017), Walt Disney Pictures]

We all know that Beauty and the Beast is a tale as old as time – but it doesn’t have to stay that way. What if we put a geeky spin on this classic tale of love? Let’s move away from the past and look into the future. Why, a love this historic could be…out of this world!  That’s right, folks, we’re talking Beauty and the Beast in space!

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Geeky Hygge Haul

[Photo by Stella Rose on Unsplash]

You may have noticed that lifestyle magazines and blogs everywhere have started using a word that sounds like the transliteration of a sneeze: hygge. But what the dickens is hygge?, you may be asking yourself, and also, how do I pronounce it? Simply put, it’s the Danish word for ‘cozy;’ it’s pronounced HOOG-ah; and it represents the feeling of utter contentedness that comes from surrounding yourself with things that make you happy, relaxed and comfortable. And if you’re a geek like us, then geeky = happy and comfortable. So let’s get our geeky hygge on, shall we?

Posted by Sandra Woolf

The Many Moods of Neil Gaiman’s Hair

Neil Gaiman's hair is almost as magical as his writing. That's why we here at Quirk (who are BIG fans of Gaiman and his whimsical locks) have dedicated this blog post to Gaiman's hair. But wait! We've taken it one step further by pairing the many moods of Neil Gaiman's hair with a book.

Posted by Sandra Woolf

Fictional Cats’ Dream Homes

The hierarchy in most homes goes like this: man in the bed, dog in the doghouse, and the cat sleeps wherever. Now where's the fairness in that? Cats deserve a special place to call their own, especially these fictional felines. The wait is over, furry friends!

Posted by Sandra Woolf