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Five Literary Winters Way Worse Than Ours

Winter is… here, actually. For better or worse (probably worse). My Michigan-bred, winter-loving roommate is all smiles at the prospect of snow while I sink further back into my anti-winter blanket cocoon of denial. I’d much prefer to read about winter than actually, you know, experience it. Though I have to admit, literary characters have it way worse—most often their winters are horrible snowmageddons that would make short work of weaker individuals (i.e. me) or really anyone who isn’t Elsa or Jon Snow.

Everyone knows about the nasty snowpocalypse that is George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire—the books, people, the books!—but what about other literary polar vortexes? As bad as winter may be this year, I suppose this group of unfortunate characters endured a much worse one.

Posted by Emeli Kemmerer

Classic and Young Adult Sci-Fi Novels To Check Out on National Science Fiction Day

January 2nd is unofficial National Science Fiction Day. Ever hear of a guy named Isaac Asimov? He was only one of the most famous science fiction writers of his time, which is why Sci-Fi Day is celebrated on his birthday! He also had some pretty impressive sideburns. Now, no one actually seems to be certain of the exact date he was born, including Asimov himself, but he chose to celebrate it on January 2nd and someone down the line decided to celebrate science fiction on the same day. 

Questionable origins aside, what is one to do on a National Science Fiction Day? Read, of course! What could be better than dedicating a day to reading all those books you got for Christmas? In honor of Mr. Asimov and sci-fi writers and readers everywhere, here’s a list of my favorite sci-fi novels, as well as some sci-fi classics that I plan to pick up and enjoy on January 2nd.

Posted by Emeli Kemmerer

Classic and Young Adult Sci-Fi Novels To Check Out on National Science Fiction Day

January 2nd is unofficial National Science Fiction Day. Ever hear of a guy named Isaac Asimov? He was only one of the most famous science fiction writers of his time, which is why Sci-Fi Day is celebrated on his birthday! He also had some pretty impressive sideburns. Now, no one actually seems to be certain of the exact date he was born, including Asimov himself, but he chose to celebrate it on January 2nd and someone down the line decided to celebrate science fiction on the same day. 

Questionable origins aside, what is one to do on a National Science Fiction Day? Read, of course! What could be better than dedicating a day to reading all those books you got for Christmas? In honor of Mr. Asimov and sci-fi writers and readers everywhere, here’s a list of my favorite sci-fi novels, as well as some sci-fi classics that I plan to pick up and enjoy on January 2nd.

Posted by Emeli Kemmerer

Celebrate Pretend to Be A Time Traveler Day with These Five Books

December 8th is Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. (Yes, this is an actual day people celebrate). Essentially, you dress up as someone from the past or the future and go about your day pretending you don’t belong. You know, stare in awe at automatic doors or lament over the lack of hover cars.

Don’t feel bad if you, like the rest of the world, had no idea about this important holiday, because now’s your chance to celebrate—with reading! If you would like to be a part of this magical and Doctor Who-esque celebration, but have no real desire to run around your office or campus garnering a questionable reputation, I have some good news: you can let others do the time-traveling for you and enjoy it all from a safe distance! The literary Delorean awaits!

Posted by Emeli Kemmerer