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Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Get Your Dog to Like Your Significant Other

Every time I mention my desire to get a dog, my boyfriend expresses concern that it will eat his face off. And by "expresses concern," I mean "repeats endlessly with varying degrees of hysteria." While I think he's being a little dramatic, introducing your furry friend to your pet (see what I did there?) is a legitimate concern. The dog could feel that your SO is intruding upon their territory, and things could get very ugly very quickly. Thankfully, The Worst-Case Scenario Pocket Guide: Dogs has some helpful tips to keep your SO from having their face eaten off.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Treat a Tongue Stuck to a Pole

It's getting cold outside, and the Christmas season is almost upon us (or it already is upon us, if you've been to your local Target lately). People do all sort of crazy things around the holidays, and every family and/or friend group has That Guy. You know who I'm talking about–the one who thinks it's a good idea to reenact the scene from A Christmas Story.

So one minute you're all laughing at what a great joke this is going to be, and the next, your friend or cousin or brother or whoever has gotten their tongue stuck to a cold metal pole. Never fear! The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Holidays has a way to fix this.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Deal with an Alligator Near Your [Golf] Ball

I'm not a golfer. I find golf to be one of the most supremely boring sports, and when my uncle flips the channel during a holiday party and puts on golf, it's all I can do to keep from falling asleep on the couch. But when I found out what kind of animals can be (and, in most cases, are) lurking around a golf course, I was horrified. So, to protect all of you who are interested in golf, I'm delving into The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf's "Dangerous Animals" section. (It's worth noting that "How to Disarm an Irate Golfer" is listed under this category.) 

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How To Beat Death At Chess

We've all heart about making deals with Death, but what about when Death just wants to relax? He has feelings, too, you know. When he's not swapping fame and fortune for unsuspecting souls, everyone knows Death likes to kick back with a friendly game of chess. Of course, he's been around for eternity, which means he has more than a few tricks up those sleeves of his. (And they are big sleeves.) This means you need to resort to some wilier tactics to win, but not to worry! We've got your back, thanks to The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Paranormal Edition.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How To Brew A Magic Potion

Image via Etsy

Do you spend most of your time on Pottermore trying to brew the perfect potion? It's a tricky business, but you know you can do it. Or maybe you're already a potion-making whiz, in which case you're ready to move beyond the computer screen and into making them in real life. If that's true, have we got the guide for you! Thanks to The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Paranormal Edition, you can now learn how to brew your own magic potion.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How To Brew A Magic Potion

Image via Etsy

Do you spend most of your time on Pottermore trying to brew the perfect potion? It's a tricky business, but you know you can do it. Or maybe you're already a potion-making whiz, in which case you're ready to move beyond the computer screen and into making them in real life. If that's true, have we got the guide for you! Thanks to The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Paranormal Edition, you can now learn how to brew your own magic potion.

Posted by Basia Padlo