Presidential Campaign Posters

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About the Book
Here are 100 ready-to-frame political campaign posters from the annals of American history! The candidates range from Andrew Jackson (“Defender of Beauty and Booty”) and William Henry Harrison (“Have Some Hard Cider!”) to Richard Nixon (“He’s the One!”), Barack Obama (“Hope”), and many, many more. The posters are backed with colorful historical commentary and additional artwork; best of all, they’re bound with clean microperforated edges so they can be removed, framed, and displayed.
Presidential Campaign Posters is the perfect gift for political junkies of all ages!
THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS has been the guardian of the nation’s memory for more than two centuries. The writers and editors in its publishing office collaborate with curators, reference librarians, and subject specialists to produce books and other materials that open its ever-growing collections and activities to the nation and the world.