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The Hobbit Inspired by Cormac McCarthy

Tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever the wizard went, lies most, told to comfort the already lost. The wizard, his cloak gray as weathered bone, had not gone that way under The Hill for ages and ages. The curse of memory meant that most of them had forgotten what he looked like. He had been away over The Hill and across the water for a long time, a long time indeed. Those who were small once had gone, food for the earth much like what was under the wizard’s feet.

Good Morning! It was the hobbit.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

25 More Laws of Robotics

[Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash]

We all know Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics:


1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.


But that hardly covers every interaction a robot might have. Here are 25 additional laws of robotics, to cover any eventuality.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

A Christmas Caper

Marley was dead to begin with. Just another of the many corpses in this filthy city. Scrooge was Marley’s partner, but what did that add up to, when all was said and done? Nothing more than a plugged nickel. You could still make out the “Marley and” over the “Scrooge Investigations” on the cheap door to the dark office they shared once. Bobbi Cratchet had twice asked Scrooge if he wanted to scrape it off proper, class up the joint. But Scrooge would have none of it.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Jane Austen’s 21st Birthday Haul

It has been a fair sight since I have made a video, has it not? I beg of you, do not expect these videos to arrive till they come, in which I think will only contribute to the ease of us both. Which is to say, welcome, I suppose. This is my channel. Where I talk about nothing of any possible importance.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

The Hundred-Acre Games

[Photo by Oxana Lyashenko on Unsplash]

It’s time for the drawing. “Now, let us begin, or we shall be here all day,” Rabbit says as he crosses to the glass ball with all the names, each roughly scrawled in crayon. Rabbit reaches in, digs his hand deep into the ball with a great rustling and bustling and pulls out a slip of paper.


“Let it not be me,” Winnie-the-Pooh says deep inside his fluff-filled head. “Think it over, think it under. Think it true. It’s not me. It’s not me.”

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Jane Austen’s Birthday Haul

As we gear up for Jane Austen's birthday next month, here's her birthday haul video from last year! One of our favorites!

Hello and a hearty welcome return, ladies and gentles. It’s Jane. Welcome back to my channel. I suppose this is what one might refer to as a ‘haul video,’ wherein I intend to detail the gifts I received on my 20th birthday. I admit, I have not done one of these since years past, when I was far more youthful than I am presently. But they were quite well regarded then, so I suppose there will be no shame in diving into this acculturation of wealth and high regard for not yet finding a way to destroy myself for another year.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod