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Dream Literary Roles of Oscar Isaac

[Photo by Louis from Pexels]

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We’re big fans of Oscar Isaac over here at Quirk HQ, so it’s only fitting that we celebrate him in the most joyful way we know how: by dream casting him in all of our favorite books. We already know that he’s a literary darling; just look at his work in Robin Hood, Annihilation, and the upcoming Dune adaptation. But what would an Oscar Isaac romcom be like? Or a horror movie? Grab a book and dive on in!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Modern Retellings Based On Favorite Classics

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

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Here at Quirk we’re pretty passionate about the oldies, whether they be pop culture favorites or canon works of the literary world. That’s why we have series like the Pop Classics (adorably illustrated picture books of cult films and TV series like The Karate Kid and Elf), the Quirk Classics (horror takes on literary masterpieces like the New York Times bestseller Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), and Ian Doescher’s Shakespearean takes on Back to the Future, Mean Girls, Clueless, and Star Wars.

There’s something appealing with revisiting what writers and audiences have known to be compelling, but doing so through a new lens that revitalizes one’s love for the original. That’s why for National Old Stuff Day, we’re looking at some of the literary classics and their modern day retellings.

Posted by Gabrielle Bujak

Go on a Virtual Road Trip for National Read Across America Day

Photo by Julia Volk from Pexels

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It’s National Read Across America Day and even though we’re all stuck at home, books can take us anywhere – truly anywhere. Even though we can’t go on a cross-country road trip right now, our imaginations can still go on vacation. So come with us on a long drive from our HQ in Philadelphia all the way to sunny California. We’ll bring the snacks!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Book Recommendations for the Characters in To All the Boys: Always and Forever

[Photo by Gabby K from Pexels]

In the best surprise we’ve had all year, the final movie in the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy is coming to Netflix! To All the Boys: Always and Forever focuses on Lara Jean Covey’s senior year of high school and all the exciting and terrifying choices that come with a rapidly approaching graduation. To celebrate, we put together some book recommendations for Lara Jean, Peter Kavinsky, and the entire Covey family. Because after all these years, these characters have started to feel like family. 

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Send a Book to a Friend

Photo by Jaymantri from Pexels

Today is National Send a Card to a Friend Day. While cards are all fine and dandy, it can sometimes be hard to find the card that says exactly what you are looking for. After all, what can really be said in such a small amount of space. So instead of just sending a card, why not send a book to go along with it? There are so many great books in the world, there is bound to be something for everybody in your life. To help you down the road a bit, we at Quirk wanted to give a few suggestions of possible books to send to your friends.

Posted by David Winnick

The Perfect ‘90s Snack and Book Pairings

Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels

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Maybe it’s all the tie-dye, butterfly clips, and promises from Taylor Swift that she’ll “come back stronger than a ‘90s trend” – or maybe it’s because Anna Carey’s latest young adult novel This is Not the Jess Show came out this week – but we’re feeling super nostalgic for the age of landlines and dial-up internet. And we don’t know how to explain it, but we’re kind of craving ‘90s junk food too. To celebrate the release of This is Not the Jess Show, we’re pairing some of our favorite books about the ‘90s with some truly retro snacks. 

Posted by Danielle Mohlman