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How-To Tuesday: Holiday Cake Pops From Jackie Alpers’ Sprinkles!

All this month, we're cracking open Quirk Throws You 5 Awesome Parties for how-tos to help your holiday party be The Greatest. This week, Holiday Cake Pops are on the menu. (This recipe can also be found in Sprinkles!) These silver and gold cake pops not only add a festive shimmer to your shindig, but they make perfectly sweet finger food to munch on while mingling!

Posted by Basia Padlo

Holiday Party Guides: Candied Vanilla Popcorn

All this month, we're cracking open Quirk Throws You Five Awesome Parties for how-tos to help your holiday party by THE GREATEST. This week, Candied Vanilla Popcorn is on the menu. You can find this recipe in Pure Vanilla

This sweet and salty treat may disappear moments after you set it out for your guests! For an edible party decoration, add a few drops of food coloring to the sugar syrup and then pile the popcorn in tall glass jars.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Extinguish a Christmas Tree Fire

It always gets warm in the house during the holiday party—with everyone crowded in together, how could it not? But has it ever gotten a little too warm? Specifically, on fire kind of warm? To help deal with any small tree fires that may occur this holiday season, we're busting out The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Holidays.

Posted by Basia Padlo

How-To Tuesday: Crafting An Adorable Plush Penguin

All this month, we're cracking open Quirk Throws You 5 Awesome Parties for how-tos to help your holiday party be The Greatest. This week, we'll show you how to make an adorable Plush Penguin. (This tutorial is also available in Craft-A-Day.) When you have a friend close by, the frigid days of winter feel a little bit warmer. Send your party guests home with a pocket-size penguin who will keep them company even in the worst of winter weather.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Going Through the Nine Stages of NaNoWriMo

If you did NaNoWriMo this year (like me), you likely noticed a pattern among all of your friends who were also doing NaNoWriMo. There's a certain way things tend to go. If you didn't try NaNoWriMo this year but think you'd like to give it a spin next year, you should be warned. It's fun but exhausting, so here are the steps you have to look forward to in the pursuit of writing an entire novel in one month.

Posted by Basia Padlo

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Get Your Dog to Like Your Significant Other

Every time I mention my desire to get a dog, my boyfriend expresses concern that it will eat his face off. And by "expresses concern," I mean "repeats endlessly with varying degrees of hysteria." While I think he's being a little dramatic, introducing your furry friend to your pet (see what I did there?) is a legitimate concern. The dog could feel that your SO is intruding upon their territory, and things could get very ugly very quickly. Thankfully, The Worst-Case Scenario Pocket Guide: Dogs has some helpful tips to keep your SO from having their face eaten off.

Posted by Basia Padlo